Hamstrings: What you need to know
Imagine standing up tall with your hamstrings as they attach to your sitting bones, starting at an early age. Then you wouldn’t have to use your low back muscles (or a walker) to hold yourself up against gravity. As you can see from the video, the hamstrings lower the pelvis forward and pull it (and…
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James Anderson — Postural Restoration expert works with Connected PT
Postural restoration is a clinically proven and scientifically based revolutionary method of healing. Originating as a study of human biomechanics, this holistic and integrative approach provides tools to evaluate underlying causes of pain and dysfunction, and offers significant relief from chronic and acute conditions. One of the leading scholars of Postural Restoration is James Anderson,…
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Why (and how) we treat you from head to toe.
You have come to see us for a problematic bunion. Imagine your surprise when I tell you I want to know more about your previous shoulder dislocation! I care about that injury — because it can be related to your foot issue. If your shoulder is loose from a partial or complete dislocation, your chest…
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“The hip bone’s connected to the….”
When we say we treat the whole body, this is an example of what we mean: If you have strained or torn your knee meniscus (the thick cartilage pad between your thigh bone and your lower leg), we want to know how your ribs move. It can be hard to believe that these two things…